Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Abstinence study: it works!

There's an article in this month's Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine - one of the American Medical Association journals - about a randomized trial of abstinence-only vs. "safer sex" with encouragement to use a condom. The results were a significant difference in first intercourse and intercourse in the previous 3 months, during the 24 months of follow up. There was no difference in condom use between the two groups, when the kids did have sex. A repeat intervention decreased the likelihood of multiple sexual partners.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tebow Super Bowl Ad Controversy Proves "Pro-abortion," not "Pro-choice"

The pressure to pull an ad during the Super Bowl only goes to show that as a society, we in the US have moved from the 1960's slogan "Our Bodies, Our Choice," to "Our Bodies, Our Choice, and You Don’t Have Choice."

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Qualify for government subsidy: become a(n involuntary) unionized government employee

Who doesn't accept or have customers that qualify for some sort of government subsidy?? Doctors, lawyers, section 8 housing owners, grocery and drug stores, ???

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Open Letter to AMA: I quit

E-mailed to the AMA Board:
I paid my Texas Medical Association dues for 2010 but will not renew my American Medical Association membership. I do not want to be counted as an AMA member. . .

The AMA leadership have told us that they hoped to protect our patients and the practice of medicine in the final legislation, just as I had hoped to influence AMA policies by lending my name and paying my dues to them. I will no longer give the AMA my name or my money, since neither of us has achieved our goal.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hastings Center notices "American Values"

You have to admire the awareness of the academics - not only have they noticed that the conservative, pro-life, religious “American” is concerned with values, but they are trying very, very hard to appeal to those of us with a Judeo-Christian background. I’ve only skimmed a couple of the essays so farm but I have found a glaring inability to stay on task or a basic lack of understanding of the world view of the intended target, uh, audience.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Self Breast Exams and Government Grading: Useless or Harmful

And teaching is now a hazard for your doctor. The first test of the realities of "Comparative Effectiveness Panels" which was funded by $1 Billion allocated in the 2009 "Stimulus Package."

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Doctors pressured by scheduled Medicare pay cut

In return, Reid made it clear that he expected their support for the broader healthcare bill, according to four sources in the meeting.
Reid also asked that doctors ease up on demands for medical malpractice reform during the upcoming healthcare debate.

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Politics Bites Science

For a clear outline as to why you shouldn't believe that 45,000 people die each year because they don't have insurance, read the blog entry by John Milloy, publisher of "Junk Science" on last week's report in the American Journal of Public Health.

Forget that the authors are blatantly biased members of the "Physicians for a National Health Plan."

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Playing Doctor With the White House

On Thursday, September 17, 2009, I was web-surfing and searching Google news hits on the September 12th March on Washington and health care reform when I found information about a conference call between Doctors for America," the White House "Office of Public Engagement" and doctors like me who somehow found out about the conference call.

When I started writing up my notes from the call, it finally occurred to me that – even though there was no attempt at disclosure - there might be a connection between "Doctors for America," and "Organizing for America."

I was right. Not only that, but John Podesta's Center for American Progress funded them.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Global Warming Ate the Science

The next time you hear about anthropogenic global warming or global climate change, demand to see the data. It no longer exists.

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